The EVM app contains algorithms for the initial treatment of the most common medical emergencies. EVM RKN was designed as an aid to medical professionals in preclinical use. The correct application requires appropriate training, experience in rescue technology as well as critical expertise and situational flexibility of the user.
The correct administration of medication requires detailed knowledge of the preparations used, the indications, contraindications and dosage recommendations, without any special mention.
The EVM app deliberately does not define any competences for the different training levels of the staff in the rescue service. This responsibility lies with the medical management of the rescue service, as well as the determination of the binding nature of the prescribed treatment recommendations.
The flowcharts and treatment protocols stored in the EVM App are only valid for the paramedics and paramedics who have been certified in the system of extended care measures by rescue assistants in the Rhein-Kreis Neuss. The certification is valid for a specified period of time from the date of issue and must be repeated at regular intervals.